ParentVUE and StudentVUE are internet-based applications that provide access to education records for parents/guardians and students of Lake Zurich School District 95 (District 95). This application uses a secured Internet site through a vendor engaged by District 95. Parents/guardians and students have the option, but not the obligation, to use ParentVUE (for parents/guardians) or StudentVUE.
Parents/guardians and students who wish to use ParentVUE or StudentVUE must agree to the terms and conditions in the Agreement, and all applicable School Board policies and regulations including, but not limited to: 6:235 Access to Electronic Networks, Authorization for Electronic Network Access / Acceptable Use Guidelines - Electronic Network and 7:345 Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security.
The District reserves the right to limit or terminate ParentVUE or StudentVUE for viewing student information without notice. All ParentVUE and StudentVUE account activity is electronically recorded.
If you suspect any violation of security on this system, please immediately notify us at
Clicking I Accept means that you agree to the above ParentVUE/StudentVUE Use Agreement.